It’s been a big year for solar power in Australia, with Western Australia leading the charge for solar + battery systems. According to the Clean Energy Regulator, there were 507,862 solar installations on WA homes and businesses by the end of the financial year in June 2024, while unofficially the regulator believes one in every three WA households has a solar system. Rooftop solar generated more than 12% of electricity for the grid from August 2023 - August 2024, with rooftop solar making a significant contribution to Australia’s target of 82% renewable energy by 2030.
And it’s becoming quicker and more cost-effective too. Solar capacity globally has increased tenfold in the past 10 years. For perspective, where in 2004 it took one year to install 1 gigawatt of solar capacity globally, this is happening daily in 2024. And, as the sunny country, Australia is in the position to become a global leader, with installing a solar + battery system in your home becoming more and more cost-effective. It now takes an average of 3.5 years to pay off your solar system, although with Plico’s low weekly instalment, there are no big upfront costs*.
Plico is a reliable solar provider dedicated to bringing greater energy independence to Australian households. We’ve reviewed a year in the life of solar power for 2024, so that you can see the amazing strides solar is making in WA.
*on standard installations
Solar batteries
There have been major developments and successes in the solar battery realm of WA. With new Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and solar farms, there are great opportunities for more households to adopt solar. Even non-solar owners can feel the effects of large-scale battery storage in their communities, as this technology works to stabilise the grid.
Synergy KBESS
A second Kwinana Battery Energy Storage System was added to Synergy’s first large-scale battery energy storage system, Kwinana Battery Energy Storage System 1 (KBESS1). Together, the Kwinana Bess’ can power 450,000 households for up to four hours throughout Perth and beyond. In 2025, these batteries will be joined by an additional Battery Energy Storage System in Collie, to make solar energy accessible and secure for hundreds of thousands more households.
Community batteries
In 2024, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) approved the roll out of up to 370 community batteries across Australia, with $143 million earmarked for the project. Once online, these batteries can expand rooftop solar capacity, reduce emissions and reduce electricity costs for customers.
A community battery works in a similar way to a standard home battery system – but instead of just one home being able to store and draw electricity from the battery, several homes with rooftop solar are connected.
The batteries will be placed strategically in suburbs where the main grid needs more support. A more balanced grid leads to fewer blackouts and a more consistent flow of energy.
Solar power
Big changes occurred in 2024 in the WA solar landscape. According to the Australian Energy Council’s quarterly solar report, Western Australia had the second highest rate of rooftop solar panels with batteries, behind New South Wales, making up 12.8% of the national total in the first nine months of 2024. Nationwide, Australia was performing strongly, with 25% of our electricity generated from solar power, a record high achieved due to the large numbers of rooftop solar panel + battery systems installed.
This pace looks set to continue, with the Clean Energy Regulator (charged with approving new clean energy power station capacity to help achieve Australia’s Renewable Energy Target) approving 4.2 GW in large scale wind and solar capacity.
Virtual Power Plants
WA has been a powerful force in bringing Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) into 2024. These networks weave together rooftop solar panels and batteries to help manage supply and demand on the grid. Seventeen regional WA schools also joined the VPP party, using their panels and batteries to not only power classrooms, but contribute to the grid as a whole.
Synergy’s VPP pilot program Project Symphony, which launched a two year scheme in 2021, released findings indicating VPPs have “huge” potential, with $920 million in value that could be created through excess power produced by solar panels and home batteries. Aggregating and redistributing this excess power from individual home and commercial batteries means injecting renewable energy into the grid, increasing power system security and deliver greater value to electricity users.
Plico has been leading the way with the first privately-funded VPP in WA, providing financial benefits to its members during the hottest year on record, while helping stabilise the WA grid.
Electric vehicles
2024 was also a significant year for electric vehicles (EVs), with EVs now representing one in 10 vehicle sales in Australia. The number of fast and ultra-fast charging locations across Australia almost doubled last year to keep up with the demand, surpassing 1,059 sites nationwide. From record-breaking charging infrastructure to a surge in EV adoption, WA is proving itself a frontrunner in the electric revolution. One major milestone was the completion of a huge, solar-powered EV charging highway, snaking 1100 kilometres across the state. This not only eliminates range anxiety for road-tripping EV owners, but also showcases WA’s commitment to clean transportation. WA’s EV Strategy has been designed to incentivise EV ownership with rebates, and support through enhanced infrastructure. The WA government has invested over $200 million in the strategy, with rebates of $3,500 available for those who purchase EVs and $23 million invested in EV charging infrastructure.
Managing solar in the grid
The increase in demand for solar can come at the risk of turbulence, as the grid tries to keep up with the high level of renewables. Western Australia is at the forefront of this transition, which is why it’s introduced Emergency Solar Management. Intended only as a last resort, Emergency Solar Management allows network operators to switch off rooftop solar systems to avoid an oversupply of energy in the grid and prevent blackouts. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has a series of measures that can be implemented before the need for Emergency Solar Management, such as the use of VPPs.
Battery rebates
In 2024, battery rebates varied state by state. New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, ACT and the Northern Territory all have some form of battery rebate, depending on size and location, while Victoria offers an interest free loan to be repaid over four years.. Currently, there is no rebate for a solar battery available in WA and no indication of when (or if) one might become available or how much will be on offer. If the other states are an indication, a battery rebate is likely to amount to a few hundred dollars. Homeowners could be saving hundreds with a solar battery, so it’s a smarter move to invest now and start saving. .
Other financial incentives are available, such as: under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), whereby homes and small businesses installing solar are able to receive small-scale technology certificates (STCs) to offset costs. The amount varies depending on your location and size of your system, but don’t worry Plico can do all the number crunching for you, and factor your credit into your low weekly instalment.
CEFC funding
The Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) rounded out 2024, with its largest single investment, committing $1.92 billion to two major energy infrastructure ‘super highways’, connecting millions of consumers to lower emissions and lower cost energy by linking load centres with dispersed populations across Victoria and New South Wales.
CEFC also pledged a $100 million investment to the creation of additional renewable energy generation and battery storage capacity at sites in its existing portfolio, including supporting Stage 2 of the Collie Battery system, an integral part of the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) in WA.
In addition, the government is committing up to $100 million in green loans through the CEFC to help homeowners make their homes more energy efficient through solar panels and batteries. The government investment is part of a larger $1 billion Household Energy Upgrades Fund.
The future of solar + battery in Australia
There’s a golden glow of optimism on Western Australia’s solar landscape. 2024 wasn’t just about panels soaking in rays; it was about a state blazing a trail toward a sun-powered future. From record-breaking battery storage to community solar initiatives, the seeds of a clean energy revolution were firmly planted in 2024.
Plico is a trusted clean energy provider in WA. If you’re interested in switching to a cleaner, greener energy source and achieving greater independence from the grid, solar power + battery is the way to go. Our experts will see your installation through from start to finish. We even offer no-obligation site visits to check your property and help you determine which solar + battery, battery or solar only solution is best for you. If you’re ready to gain greater energy independence, chat to the switched-on people at Plico on 1300 175 426 today.
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