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The cost of living is rising, so Plico appears totally comfortable in using me to help lower your power bills. (I wasn’t consulted btw, but sure, whatever.)  

For no big upfront cost, Plico will install their solar + battery system so you can enjoy my power, and savings, 24/7. And yes, while Plico’s system is very clever, let’s all take a moment to appreciate who’s really delivering solar power to Australian households. You’re welcome. 

How much could you save? icon-message

An obligation-free chat with one of our switched on people is all it takes to uncover how much you could save on energy with Plico. You could soon be enjoying the benefits of your own solar + battery solution, like using your own energy at night and during power outages.

For one low weekly instalment, generate, store and use your own solar energy (with no big upfront costs).

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    Start saving on your power bills immediately.

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    No big upfront costs.

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    Weekly instalments that start as low as $30.90.

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    Use your power day and night.

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    Make blackouts a thing of the past!

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    Ten years of ongoing support.

Energy On Your Terms

Plico supports members in their move to renewable energy, making it easy for them to:

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    Create the majority of their energy needs.

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    Get cutting-edge solar panel, battery and inverter technology, all installed by a qualified local expert.

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    Ten years of ongoing support.

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    Manage their energy effectively with the Plico app.

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    Give coal the kick and help our planet.

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    Enjoy no big upfront costs.

The Importance Of Batteries

While solar panels are essential to generating your energy, batteries are the component that allows you to maximise the benefits of this creation. Without a solar battery, the energy you generate from your panels is used immediately, with any surplus carried back to the grid. This means that when the sun disappears, you’re back paying for your power.

Batteries give you greater energy independence. Plico’s batteries are small enough to allow for easy storage but powerful enough for you to fulfil the majority of your energy needs. Batteries change solar from a basic tool into a lifestyle that gives you greater energy independence and saves you money, while helping the environment in the process.


Savings Calculator


To instantly calculate your potential solar savings, simply input your MONTHLY electricity bill below (remember, bills often appear in two monthly instalments, so make sure you’re only entering the monthly amount.) Potential savings are calculated inclusive of the Plico weekly instalment.


Pay an extra $X.XX daily

You could save $X.XX annually

to install a Plico solar + battery solution and create your own power from the sun!

by installing a Plico solar + battery solution and creating your own power from the sun!

You'll be off coal and able to stay powered up if the grid goes down.

Get in touch to find out your exact savings

The amount of savings is based on electricity consumption only, the daily supply charge has not been factored in. The amount of savings does not factor in the costs of the system, regardless of whether it’s paid upfront or on a credit contract. The amount of the annual bill savings factors in feed in tariff amounts for any kilowatt-hours exported back to the grid, it does not factor in any export limiting of the inverter. For monthly bills between $100 and $130 amounts, the annual savings amount is greater than the annual bill amount, due to feed in tariff credits for amounts exported back to the grid.

Products & Pricing

Upfront prices are available upon request


Supercharge Your Existing Solar Panels and Save


If you have solar panels on your roof, but no battery, you’ll be once again drawing energy from the grid when the sun goes down.

So why not retrofit a battery to allow you to store the energy you generate in the day, for use at night?

From just $19.90 per week, we have a wide range of battery only solutions to suit every home’s energy needs.

Get started

Save Big And Become Self-Reliant With Plico

With no big upfront costs, ongoing maintenance and support, an app that gives you transparent tracking and durable equipment of the highest quality, we’ve strived to make your move to renewable energy as secure and hassle-free as possible.

We understand, however, that any change, no matter how positive, can be daunting – we’re here to help. By clicking the button below and filling out the form, our team of specialists can analyse your requirements and give you detailed information and insights to fulfilling your needs.

Alternatively, you can call or email our team to get the information you need. There’s no high-pressure selling here. This is about teamwork, and our responsibility is to ensure you have all the tools at your disposal to move towards a cheaper, more sustainable and energy-efficient future – with no big upfront costs and endless possibilities.

Get started now
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Learn more about our Products & Pricing

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What Our Customers Say About Plico

Plico is creating the future of sustainable energy. However, don’t just take it from us – hear it from our customers, who, like hundreds of West Australians, have already joined Plico.

The Plico Difference

We’re more than solar – we’re about a new and sustainable pathway in energy efficiency. Partnering with Plico means joining a community of like-minded individuals who are creating a better future for everyone.

Our goal is to make it convenient and beneficial for you to make the change to sustainable energy. That’s why our state-of-the-art solar + battery solution won’t take up half your garage. It’s why you’ll have total control of how you utilise the energy you create. It’s why you’ll never be left in the dark.

Get started now
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