It may come as a surprise that energy use typically increases in winter, even more than in summer. Summertime may see us reaching for the A/C remote more often, but in winter the shorter, colder days mean we’re using lights, heating, and appliances for longer. What’s more, the colder weather can also mean we spend more time indoors, racking up those energy bills!
As we move into the coldest time of year, we’ve rounded up some tips to keep your hip pocket happier while you keep warm this winter. You may have heard some of them before - but it’s worth taking the time to think about whether you could refresh some of these ideas in your home.
Keep warm air in and cold air out
Revisit these basic ideas and potentially save some dollars on energy bills this winter!
Is your home adequately insulated? Keeping the warm air in and the cold out is a simple way to stay warm in winter. It can, however, be a costly exercise to insulate your home so if you don’t have the budget to revisit your home insulation right now, thermal lining can be added to internal window coverings. These work to retain heat in winter and block heat in summer. Do a little research and sew thermal window linings onto window coverings, or simply use an iron-on option. Or if you have the budget, upgrade to block-out thermal curtains.
Similarly, seal gaps in window trims and place door snakes under doorways to prevent drafts. Sometimes it really is the simple solutions that work best!
Get warm the old fashioned way
It may sound too easy, but simply reaching for an extra layer of clothing or additional bedding can be a simple way to reduce energy costs in winter. When was the last time you turned on the heater when you could have added an extra pair of socks or a t-shirt under your jumper? Grab a warm throw for the couch and some extra cushions for added cosiness in winter living rooms too.
Similarly you might add a hot water bottle to your bed a little while before snuggling between the sheets and enjoy a pre-warmed bed on cold evenings.
During the day, dry your washing in the sunshine as much as possible, rather than using the clothes dryer, which can be a big energy-user.
Other ways to reduce your winter energy bill
If you have a pool or spa, you may wish to investigate energy bill savings by “winterising” your pool. You can reduce filtration and chlorination over the winter months, but do so with proper maintenance measures in place!
Another simple habit is turning off appliances at the wall. Did you know standby power could be taking up to 10% of your energy usage? Turn off TVs, microwaves, stereos, computers and any other appliance at the wall when it’s not needed.
In winter most of us use heaters. Do you know your heater’s star rating or whether it’s energy efficient? Next time you need to replace your heater (or indeed any appliance) make sure to choose the highest energy efficiency you can. And when using a heater, close doors to other areas of the house so you don’t unnecessarily lose heat.
Electrify everything - and go solar
Even if you don’t notice an electricity bill hike in winter, there’s a good chance your gas bill will significantly increase. Gas heaters, stovetops and water heaters can multiply utility bills (and carbon emissions). When you go solar with Plico, take the extra step and electrify everything - and multiply the benefits of installing a solar + battery system. This could be a slow process of replacing old items with electrical ones over time, but you’ll see the savings once you do!
Not only will you then be powering your home from the sun during the day, but your battery storage means you’ll also reap the rewards at night when many of these appliances are used most.
Plico’s unique offering includes solar + battery, 10 years of ongoing support and no big upfront cost - all from just one low weekly fee. If you’d like to learn more about finding the system that is right for you, talk to one of our switched-on team by calling 1300 175 426.
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