The majority of us are making improved efforts to live more sustainably and in an environmentally-conscious manner. Given that we spend a large amount of time at our homes, we have an opportunity to make a big difference in our green choices within the household. Powering your home with clean energy is a great way to help your wallet and the planet. So, what’s the best renewable energy for your home?
What is renewable energy?
Renewable energy comes from natural power sources that are constantly replenished and never run out. Currently, coal accounts for 75% of Australia’s electricity generation; not only does it create three-quarters of our energy, but it’s also responsible for releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide and methane gas. Yep, you guessed it – all critical contributors to climate change.
So while renewable energy is characterised by its ability to replenish itself, current practices such as coal are the opposite. The quicker we reduce our coal usage, the quicker and more significantly we’ll see improvements in our environment! Renewable energy is the present and the future of power.
What renewable energy can I power my home with?
Over the last couple of decades, we’ve witnessed the rise of a handful of renewable sources. As expected, they all differ in their useability and methods; currently, the three main methods are hydropower, wind and solar. So which could be suitable for your home?
It’s all in the name – hydropower utilises moving water (reservoirs, rivers, dams) and turns the energy of the water into electricity. It does this through a turbine. Hydropower is one of the most established renewable electricity sources we have, and we’ve been consistently improving and streamlining the process. It’s been around for thousands of years in various forms and currently is present in more than 160 countries and makes up 17% of worldwide electricity production.
While there are many positives to hydropower, its greatest detraction is a big one – utilising hydropower for your home is dependent on your location, with only a few specific areas perfectly placed for it. For most of us, it’s just not a possibility. There’s also the cost and maintenance of installing a microhydropower system.
Most of us have seen wind turbines dotted along a horizon or clustered together in a field. They have become increasingly commonplace and now account for the generation of almost 6% of worldwide energy production.
The turbines harness the wind, whose energy spins an electric generator and produces power. We cannot, of course, control the weather, so we are posed with a problem when the air is still. To combat this, you’ll mostly find wind farms in the breeziest geographical locations and large open spaces so as to be unimpeded.
It’s possible to utilise wind energy for your home, but it’s reliant on quite a few factors. The most obvious and important is that you need wind! Enough to sustain your energy needs year-round, no matter the season. The second issue is the red tape of zoning permits – you may need to obtain a building permit to install a small wind electric system. Not to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re highly unlikely to be able to do this in a residential area – space is a crucial component.
Solar power has been rapidly growing in Australia over the last decade or so, and it makes sense – we’re lucky enough to live in a country where more often than not, the sun is beaming. Solar energy converts the sun’s light and heat into electricity that can be used for many household essentials. For the homeowner, it’s become the most accessible of Australia’s renewable energy sources.
Setting up solar power for your home means you’ll require, at a bare minimum, enough solar panels to generate your electrical needs; however, you really want a battery because they’re the key to storing the energy you create and therefore being self-reliant. Solar panels alone mean you’re back paying to be on the electricity grid when the sun disappears.
Is solar the best renewable energy source for homes?
Solar is the most accessible renewable energy source for households, skipping the extensive red tape of wind energy and the selective locations of hydropower energy. It’s also perpetually becoming cheaper to make the switch to solar, hopefully moving to a place where it’s accessible for everyone (here at Plico, with our weekly payment plans, we’re not waiting, we’re making this happen now!).
Solar is the perfect sustainable energy source for your home because it has the capabilities to heat your water and shower, keep your air conditioner running and your lights on. It saves you money year after year and with a solar battery, you’re able to utilise your generated energy at night.
Solar batteries and convenient home renewable energy.
Renewable energy is a necessity, but it needn’t be a sacrifice. With Plico’s solar + battery system, you can generate, store and utilise your power on your terms. You can even manage the finer details on the Plico app, which gives you the ability to track your energy. Solar batteries are what make this self-reliance possible; without one, when the sun disappears, you’re back paying to get energy off the grid.
We want as many people as possible to engage with energy systems that are renewable – it’s a future where we all win! That’s why we’ve broken the mould and disrupted the solar industry by focusing on membership and community over profit. Plico members have no big upfront costs and pay a small weekly fee, receiving installation by local experts of panels, a battery and an inverter. You’re taught how to manage and maximise your stored energy through the Plico app, and if anything goes wrong, don’t worry; members have ten years of ongoing support – we have you covered.
Solar is the best renewable energy source for your home, and to get the full benefits of your solar generation, you need a battery. Batteries are the essential ingredient for self-reliance and environmentally-friendly energy use. Plico makes it easy, and cost effective, for its members to get solar panels, a battery and an inverter, all from one low weekly fee.
To find out if a Plico system could help cut your energy bills, chat to a member of our friendly team by calling 1300 175 426 or filling out the enquiry form here.
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