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Plico Team 11/06/2021 2 min read

Financial hardship support for Members

We all land on hard times times at some stage in life. As a Plico Member, we want to support you as best we can.

If you find yourself in economic hardship and are having difficulty paying your weekly fee, we encourage you to contact your Member representative committee DCEP (Dunsborough Community Energy Project) to discuss what opportunities may be available to you. DCEP may be able to assist you before you seek government support options.

If government support is required, the WA Government has a Hardship Utility Grant Scheme (HUGS) that assists Western Australian utility customers who are in financial hardship and are unable to pay their utility bills. The purpose of HUGS is to assist customers in financial hardship with their connection to essential services.

A key principle of HUGS is that customers and utility providers share responsibility for managing situations of initial payment difficulty and financial hardship. Manageable payment arrangements are negotiated, which will provide the greatest assistance to customers, with the expressed purpose of avoiding disconnection and preventing debt escalation.

All Members should contact DCEP or Plico Energy in the first instance to negotiate payment arrangements and other hardship strategies. If these become exhausted, Members may be eligible for financial assistance through HUGS.

DCEP can be contacted at


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Plico Team

Plico is a leading Australian clean energy company building a sustainable energy grid for the future. Born and bred in WA, our innovative membership model puts power back into the hands of the community, allowing our members to save money, enjoy blackout protection and generate their own clean energy, all for one low weekly instalment.